

DIP 009 Quality for Productivity (Lean)

Welcome to unit DIP 009 Quality for Productivity (Diploma in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully.


DIP 008 Quality Planning – Product Lifecycle

Welcome to unit DIP 008 Product Lifecycle (Diploma in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully.


DIP 007 Supply Chain Management

Welcome to unit DIP 007 Quality related Legislation and regulation (Diploma in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully.


DIP 006 Quality related legislation and regulation

Welcome to unit DIP 006 Quality related Legislation and regulation (Diploma in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully.


DIP 005 Principles of Quality Management Systems

Welcome to unit DIP 005 Quality based Management Systems (Diploma/Certificate in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully.


DIP 004 Business Performance Improvement

Welcome to unit DIP 004 Business Performance Improvement (Diploma/Certificate in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully.


DIP 003 Monitoring and Measuring for Quality

Welcome to unit DIP 003 Monitoring and Measuring for Quality (Diploma/Certificate in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully.


DIP 002 Quality the People Factor

Welcome to unit DIP 002 Quality -The People factor (Diploma/Certificate in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully.


DIP 001 An Introduction to Quality

Welcome to unit DIP 001 Introduction to Quality (Diploma/Certificate in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully.

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